From Not Enough To Brave Enough | You CAN Do Hard Things
Bernice McDonald, Author, Professional Coach
Build Courage Muscles
Step by Step Guidance
Inspire Your Creative Flow
You are passionate.
You want to be all you can be and kind of know what that looks like.
But there's this hesitation that
stops you from going full out.
This is costing you.

Hesitating to take risks even though you know they could lead to growth.
Struggling with feeling confident in your abilities and decisions.
Being afraid you're going to fail like so many other creative business builders, writers, artists do.
What's it costing you?
Impact. Fulfillment. Time.

What if you chose 'Being Enough'
as your ONLY option?
Little Steps of Courage:
The Courageous Path To Mastering Hard Things.

The Courageous Path
wake up Your Courage
Are you willing to fight for the dream that became your business or your life's ambition?
Discover how to step into the courage to create and build it...maybe for the first time.
Embrace who you are
If you're dreaming it, you've been equipped to do it.
Discover the "Strange Jewels" buried inside. Embrace and use your courage to develop them.
stand up for you
Step into all the ways you can be who you are.
Set your boundaries.
Choose courage at every crossroad.
create your impact.
Creating a business, writing, designing what you're meant to do starts from inside.
It's YOU. Your style. Your approach. Your story.
Learn the tiny brave steps it takes to create the impact that's your legacy.
I help women creatives do hard things.
Even little bits of courage are hard to find sometimes when it comes to the hard work of building a business, writing a book, creating the life you're longing for.
But that's all it takes - a little bit of courage to take one step. And then another instead of trying to make it all happen at once.
I've lived in overwhelm - and I don't want that for you.
I've spent the past 20 years helping women work through hard things like divorce and loss while still carrying on bravely with their lives. I've seen them overcome uncertainty and take bold action to reinvent themselves.
A business, a book, a work of art or the way you want to change the world isn't just about strategies and promotion; it's an extension of you - your passion, your purpose, your courage.
We don't just work on what you want to build; we work on you, the courageous leader at its heart.
​Together, we'll peel back the layers of limiting beliefs, revealing the strength that's been there all along. We'll align your innate gifts with purposeful strategies, transforming self-doubt into self-assurance.
This isn't about becoming someone new; it's about embracing who you truly are and creating, building from that place of authenticity.
I'd love to show you the way.

Remember, the path of creating something amazing isn't just about reaching a destination; the bonus is WHO YOU BECOME along the way.
Are you ready to step into your best gifts, to lead the way with courage?

How do you work with me?

Book Your Discovery Call
Let's talk about what you'd like to create in life and what's blocking you from that. What' your "hard thing"?
Get a 30 Day Next Steps Plan
We keep it simple. Based on our conversation, we'll decide on your best Little Steps of Courage for the next 30 days. First step will start tomorrow.
Feel relaxed & proud of
what you're creating.
No more hesitation. You'll take those tiny brave steps, high-fiving yourself at every turn and appreciating a new sense of self-worth and value.